Apple makes several changes to its corporate worker COVID-19 policies

Apple makes several changes to its corporate worker COVID-19 policies

Apple has relaxed its COVID-19 policies to encourage corporate workers to return to the office.

COVID-19 Policies

At the height of the pandemic, the Cupertino-based company had employee testing and vaccination measures in place. A year after in 2022, Apple no longer required retail and corporate employees to wear masks in response to the declining infection rate.

Zoe Schiffer from Platformer recently tweeted that Apple no longer requires employee testing before they go to work beginning January 30. Apple also took back its special sick leave program that allows employees to recover fully from COVID-19 symptoms via unlimited sick leave. The move is seen as a push to encourage its workers to return to corporate locations.

Shifting policies might mean that Apple will host in-person events for major product launches and WWDC 2023. Most of the events in the past few years were relegated online to try and curb COVID-19 infection rates.

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